Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden

 Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri Garden

Though an Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden can enhance a smile at any age, there is an optimal time period to begin treatment. Beginning treatment at this time ensures the greatest result and the least amount of time and expense.

rahul dental care which is the best orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden recommends that the initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age 7.

At this early age, orthodontic treatment may not be necessary, but vigilant examination can anticipate the most advantageous time to begin treatment.

Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Prudent intervention guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later.

When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal and we are highly recommended  Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden.

Some of the most direct results of interceptive treatment are:-

  • Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Preserving space for unerupted teeth
  • Reducing the need for tooth removal
  • Reducing treatment time with braces

Adult Treatment (Orthodontist in pitampura and Rajouri Garden)

Braces aren’t just for kids anymore. Tooth alignment can be changed at any age if your gums and bone structure are healthy. Rahul dental care offers a variety of treatments that are designed for different age groups – including adults as we are the best orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden.

Orthodontic treatment at later stages in life can dramatically improve your personal appearance and self-esteem. Improving the health of your teeth and gums is equally important.

Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum and bone loss, tooth decay, abnormal wear of the tooth enamel and surfaces, headaches, and jaw joint (TMJ/TMD) pain. 

Good news! The new techniques and appliances we use greatly reduce discomfort levels, decrease the frequency of visits, shorten treatment time and may allow you to choose from several options.

Your options may include metal braces, translucent braces or transparent aligners that can be worn to improve mild cases of misaligned teeth. We at Rahul Dental care use the new techniques as we are best-rated orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden.

During the initial examination, we will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your individual needs. During this initial examination, we can outline the treatment plan, time of treatment expected and the approximate cost.

Our Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri Garden have many years of experience. A large percentage of our patients are adults, and they agree that it’s never too late to improve their greatest asset – their smile.

Are there different types of braces?

Braces differ from one another in many ways. How they attach to the teeth varies. Most attach on the cheek side of the teeth, while some attach on the tongue side. These are called “lingual” braces.

Braces vary in appearance. Some braces are clear, nearly invisible, while others are made of stainless steel and may or may not have colored elastics around them. All braces are designed to enable the orthodontist to move teeth in three dimensions.

The mechanics or techniques used for moving teeth vary as well. Our Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden will help you out in choosing the right one for you.



Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden

Metal Braces

Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden

Ceramic braces

Why Straighten Teeth?

Straight teeth help an individual to effectively bite, chew and speak. Straight teeth contribute to healthy teeth and gums. Properly aligned teeth and jaws may alleviate or prevent physical health problems.

Teeth that work better also tend to look better. An attractive smile is a pleasant gift of orthodontic treatment and our Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden loves to give you one.

An attractive smile is a wonderful asset. It contributes to self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image—important qualities at every age. A pleasing appearance is a vital component of self-confidence.

A person’s self-esteem often improves as orthodontic treatment brings teeth, lips, and face into proportion. In this way, orthodontic treatment from well-known Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri Garden can benefit social and career success, as well as improve a person’s general attitude toward life.

You may be surprised to learn that straight teeth are less prone to decay, gum disease and injury. Straight teeth collect less plaque, a colorless, sticky film composed of bacteria, food, and saliva.

Decay results when the bacteria in plaque feed on carbohydrates (sugar and starch) we eat or drink to produce acids that can cause cavities. Plaque can also increase the risk for periodontal (gum) disease.

When teeth are properly aligned, and less plaque collects, these risks decline. And when teeth are properly aligned it is easier to keep teeth clean. As for injuries to teeth, protruding upper teeth are more likely to be broken in an accident.

When repositioned and aligned with other teeth, these teeth are most probably going to be at a decreased risk for fracture.

Untreated orthodontic problems may become worse. They may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, destruction of the bone that holds teeth in place, and chewing and digestive difficulties.

Orthodontic problems can cause abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, inefficient chewing function, excessive stress on gum tissue and the bone that supports the teeth, or misalignment of the jaw joints, sometimes leading to chronic headaches or pain in the face or neck.

Treatment by an orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri Garden to correct a problem early may be less costly than the restorative dental care required to treat more serious problems that can develop in later years.


Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden

Gum disease - periodontitis

Orthodontist in Pitampura and Rajouri garden

Worn teeth